Ha-Ra Cleaning Glove - Natura
The Ha-Ra® Natura Cleaning Glove is a general purpose cleaning glove. It has been designed to collect the grime and moisture loosened by the Ha-Ra® Viva Ultra Cleaning Cloth and the Ha-Ra® Ultra Cleaning Glove, as well as to collect dust and clean lightly soiled areas.
Either dampen or immerse the Ha-Ra®Natura Cleaning Glove in water, using 2 drops of Hans Raab Protective Formula per bucket. Then roll the glove and squeeze out most of the water.
When collecting moisture from glass the Ha-Ra® Natura Cleaning Glove should be used in a downwards S motion to prevent any dropping of dust particles.
- General cleaning of lightly soiled surfaces.
- Kitchen cupboards and bench tops,
- tops of refrigerators.
- Damp dust office desks.
- Anywhere there is dust or dirt.
- Dampen the glove to dust bedrooms, living rooms, stereo systems, bookcases and large furniture, leather.
- To collect moisture from tiles
- To collect build-up from shower screens loosened by the Ha-Ra® Ultra Cleaning Glove.
- Dashboards and interiors.
- All other car surfaces e.g. windows and bumpers.
- Collection of moisture from inside car windows after using the Ha-Ra® Ultra Cleaning Glove.
- On metallic duco surfaces (be very careful when using the Ultra fibres first).
The Ha-Ra® Natura Cleaning Glove is partly cotton and should be washed in the same manner as clothing.
Wash regularly in the washing machine or by hand, allowing the fibres to dry in the sun whenever possible.
Note: that the glove can be washed at a temperature not higher than 40°C.
The Ha-Ra® Natura Cleaning Glove must be washed to prevent rotting and decaying of the fibres.
This will also eliminate the growth of bacteria and prolong the life of the glove.
We recommend the natural washing powder Ha-Ra® Saponella Washing Powder which is low suds and biodegradable.
A new Ha-Ra® Natura Cleaning Glove absorbs better after it has been washed first to remove excess lint.